Things To Make and Do

September 11, 2003

Okay, already, I'll write something.

For this first joke you'll need to know that the # symbol is called "pound" here in the

...what was the gay guy's internet password...?

C: [Enter] # # # # #...etc...

...and OJ Simpson's...?

/ / / \ \ / / \ / / / \ \ \ [Esc]

And how about this one...

A married guy is out with his single buddies. After imbibing rather a lot of ale he throws up all over his shirt.

"Oh, shit" he says, "My wife's gonna kill me when she sees this"

So his mate turns to him and says "Don't worry...just put a $20 bill in your shirt pocket. When your wife asks what it is, tell her that some drunk guy ran into you, threw up all over you and put it in there to pay for dry cleaning as an apology"

"Wow" says the married guy "that sounds like a great plan"

So he gets home and sure enough his wife goes ballistic. On his way to the bathroom he hands her the shirt. Seeing the money, she asks what it's for.

"Oh", he says..."some guy ran into me...threw up and gave me $20 that for dry cleaning"

"But there's $40 here" says the wife...

"Oh yeah" says the guy "the other 20's from the guy who shit my pants..."

Well, I thought it was funny...